Friday, 5 February 2021

Super Aquarius Season!

This February 2021 is Super Aquarius season as we have a large stellium (3 or more planets) in Aquarius this month. From now until February 18, 2021 we will have 5 planets in Aquarius, plus the asteroid Athena. And on February 10, 11, 12 the Moon will be in Aquarius too! This emphasizes the Aquarius house of each of own charts and of the collective this month. 


The sign of Aquarius is represented by the Star card in the tarot. Just like the symbol for the sign of the water bearer, it shows a person pouring out water from a jug. The card represents hope and optimism for the future after a time of difficulty and darkness. The last time we had this many planets in Aquarius was back in February of 1962! Think about the developments in technology, as well as the important changes and energy brought on by the Civil Rights movement from this time. While it was not without its hardship and set backs, this time was very important to moving all of humanity forward. Celebrities born during this last Aquarian super stellium are Garth Brooks, Eddie Izard and one of my faves - Axl Rose. It’ll be interesting to see what innovative and exciting personalities emerge from this one. 

Find out how each of the planets in this stellium will be affecting you this month. 

Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn is in this sign until 2023. As the planet of hard work, rules and karma he asks us to work for the good of all humanity instead of just ourselves. Expect there to be emphasis on human rights and more rules around technologies like the internet and social media over the next two years. This month Saturn works to get the other planets organized and kickstarts these long term themes. 

Jupiter in Aquarius
The planet of luck, wealth and expansion is hanging out in Aquarius most of the year, with a brief foray into Pisces from May to July. He adds excitement, energy and optimism to the Aquarius part of your chart and to the hard work that Saturn reminds us we have to do to make the world a better place for everyone. 

Athena in Aquarius 
Pallas Athena is the asteroid that rules strategy and planning. She is working to help you plan out your goals. She takes the big ideas and hopes of Jupiter and the limitations of Saturn and helps you make a more realistic strategy with both in mind. Expect announcements by governments on rebuilding economies  and vaccination strategies along with other collective initiatives.

Venus in Aquarius
Venus is in the sign of the water bearer until February 25. As the planet of love and beauty she adds another boost of positive energy, to this area of your life. Collectively artistic tastes lean towards the experimental and avant guards. Expect innovative music, art and film to emerge this month. 

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
Mercury is in Aquarius all month and spends most of it in retrograde (until the 20th). He asks us to examine our thoughts and words in relation to others. We are asked to examine how we might be affecting others for good or ill, and if our words and thoughts are contributing to the future we want to have. He also reveals secrets. Those who have been abusing power or hiding poor behaviour get outed this month. 

Sun in Aquarius
The Sun graces this part of the zodiac at this time every year. His light shines brighter this year as he has so much company in this area. He brings focus to issues like the collective well being, and asks us to put technology to its best use and for the common good. If you know your birth chart, he turns your focus and attention to the Aquarius house until February 18, when he moves into Pisces and breaks up the Aquarius party. 

Moon in Aquarius
The Moon joins up with the others on February 10, 11 and 12. Use these days to set long term goals for this part of your chart and take the first step on a long term project. Use the super stellium to your advantage and make a small ritual, even if it’s just lighting a candle to let the Universe know you are serious to enact change. It’s also a good time to pray for humanitarian causes. 

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