On May 16, 2023 the planet of luck and expansion moved into the earthy and sensual sign of Taurus. Jupiter spends about a year in a sign, so will be bringing good fortune and a sense of ease to the Taurus house in your chart. Jupiter will be in the sign of Taurus until May of 2024. Before we break down what this means for you as an individual, let’s take a moment to look at what it means for all of us collectively.
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Taurus and Jupiter from the Astro Codes Oracle |
Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and as such takes things slow and cannot be rushed. Taurus loves the earthy, the sensual, and values practicality and consistency. In all areas he invites us over the next 12 months to pursue our goals with a steady determination. A slow pace applied consistently will get us farther than trying to rush or race to the finish line. Taurus values nature and we may see more themes around environmental concerns and preserving wildlife and habitats. Taurus is also sensual and loves food, so there may be an expansion of interest around cooking, baking and fine dining. Taurus rules finances too so hopefully this will mean that the economy becomes better for everyone. As Taurus is a slow moving sign this may be a gradual improvement rather than a sudden one. As Taurus is a fixed sign we may also see an emphasis on tradition and a desire to consider changes more slowly, rather than try to rush things in the name of progress.
Challenges of Jupiter in Taurus include when we slow down so much, we get lazy. We are so at ease that we take it for granted and don’t end up accomplishing anything. Another danger is thinking that the earthy and sensual are everything, so we become overly materialistic or overindulgent to the detriment of our health or relationships.
Below is a guide to how Jupiter in Taurus will impact you by Rising Sign (also known as the Ascendant). If you do not know your Rising Sign, go to Astro.com and enter your birth date, place and time to find out your Rising Sign (also called the Ascendant). If you don’t know your birth time, you can go by your Sun Sign.
Aries – Jupiter graces your second house of finances making it easier to earn money for the next twelve months. Sometimes it seems like the money just falls into your lap. Don’t take this time for granted and think it will always be this easy. By laying some strong financial foundations now, you can continue to grow your wealth into the future. This time will also bring clarity to your values.
Taurus – The planet of luck enters your first house of appearances and sense of self. This brings luck and self-assurance to you and improves your overall well being. It’s a good time to revamp your wardrobe or change your style. One challenge is that Jupiter in the first house can sometimes bring unexpected weight gain. Avoid overindulgence and you should be fine. This transit brings a renewed sense of self-esteem.
Gemini – Jupiter spends the next year in your twelfth house of the subconscious. This is a year that may see you spending more time on your own. It’s a good time to do some self-reflection or work on creative projects. Don’t waste time lamenting that you might not have as many social engagements as you are used to. This is a year to work on your inner self.
Cancer – The focus is on friendship and community until May of 2024. You may find yourself invited to more outings and your friendship circle expanding. It’s a great year to get involved in a community you care about and to work towards common goals with others. If you are finding yourself overwhelmed and wanting to withdraw into your shell, make sure to schedule some time just for you.
Leo – The next twelve months see expanding career opportunities coming your way. It’s a great time to go for that promotion, or to take the lead on a project. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there more so people see what you are doing. Promote yourself this year rather than waiting for opportunities to find you. This will put you in a better career position for the future.
Virgo – Jupiter blesses your house of travel, higher education, publishing and the law. You may get opportunities to travel or to expand your education. This is a year to learn and grow your knowledge base. If you are involved in legal matters, things look good in this area. Its also a time when you may develop more a more religious point of view. Avoid being overly dogmatic or trying to push your point of view on others.
Libra – Jupiter spends until May 2024 in your eighth house of shared finances, debts, sex and death. This year may be one where you inherit money or resources. It is also a good year to invest. One caution is to avoid increasing your debts. This is also a year that can be good for your sex life, and increase your interest in spiritual and psychological subjects.
Scorpio – The seventh house of marriage and partnerships is highlighted this year. This is a great time to find a new romantic relationship if single, or to put some more romance into your current one if partnered. This year can also mean good luck for your partner, which you then benefit from as well. The only downside to watch for is to not become so enamored with another that you lose your sense of self.
Sagittarius – Jupiter graces your sixth house of health and work. This is a year where you may see some improvements in any ongoing health issues, and work should run quite smoothly. This is a good year to improve your daily routine as you will find it easier to develop new habits. It is also a great year to get a pet, as the sixth house also rules domestic animals.
Capricorn – Jupiter brings good fortune to your fifth house over the next twelve months. The fifth house rules hobbies, fun and children so expect to see more opportunities to attend events, or to expand your creative side. It’s a good time to take up a new hobby, or to work on that artistic project that you put on the shelf or to pick up an instrument. This is also a year where some may expand your family through the addition of a baby. Your relationship with children, or your inner child is highlighted.
Aquarius – Jupiter enters your fourth house of home, family and ancestry this month until next May 2024. This is a year where you may see an improved relationship with your parents, or may be thinking about doing some research into your family history. It is also a good year to do home renovations or look into buying a new home. It also could be a year that sees you doing more gardening and yard work.
Overall Jupiter in Taurus is a time of ease, asking us to be steady and persistent in pursuing our goals, while also taking time to stop and smell the roses or enjoy a tasty piece of chocolate. You can accomplish a lot this year, but make sure you enjoy yourself along the way. If you would like to learn more about how Jupiter in Taurus and the other planetary transits affect you specifically, you can book an astrology reading with me on my Etsy shop. You can also find my detailed weekly Astro Report on my Patreon, or sign up for my free Full and New Moon Reports on my website.