Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - When Masks Slip

On Saturday October 28, we have a Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Taurus. Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs of the zodiac, in this case the Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus. Lunar eclipses occur about twice a year, when the Earth’s shadow passes exactly between the path of the Sun and the Moon, blocking the Moons ability to reflect the light of the Sun. Full Moons are times of heightened energy and emotion as the Moon represents the subconscious and our emotional side, and are times where we must find balance between the energies of the two opposing signs. In this case, the Sun is in mysterious and penetrating Scorpio and the Moon in earthy and nature loving Taurus. This time of year often finds us pondering the meaning of life, investigating spirituality and psychology and indulging in all things spooky (its no accident Halloween falls in Scorpio season). Meanwhile, the Moon says for emotional balance we need comfort and stability. Taurus wants to ground us in the physical world and in finding ways to practically integrate our spiritual insights. 

This Taurus Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, which adds to the heightened energy. Lunar Eclipses are times when things that are hidden get revealed to us. What is hidden in the shadows are much easier to see now. This can be a painful time as illusions are shattered, but it can also be a liberating one, as we are freed from delusions. Expect over the next week to find out some secrets and be prepared if you have been keeping them, for things to come out. 


This Lunar Eclipse is particularly volatile due to aspects between Mercury, Mars and Jupiter on this day. Both Mercury and Mars are in the sign of Scorpio and opposing Jupiter in Taurus. Mercury is the planet of communication and travel, and Mars of action, desire, aggression and war. When they join together this can lead to angry words and accidents. In Scorpio these words can be particularly cutting and have long lasting effects as the sign of Scorpio is one that looks deeply into things and can also hold grudges. Be careful of getting into arguments with others as what is said now can cut deeper than intended and have long lasting effects. With both planets opposite Jupiter, the planet of expansion, there is the potential for things to become bigger and more explosive than originally intended. Avoid getting into fights and doing anything risky now as the energies are quite volatile. 


What is good to do at this time is to step back and observe things. Watch for secrets to be revealed and for who loses their cool and does or says something they shouldn’t. This can be a very informative time when some people’s carefully crafted masks will slip. This Lunar Eclipse’s energy makes me think of the saying “when people show you who they are, believe them.” While this time is one that can be disruptive and unsettling, it is one that will help us to see the truth behind illusions. 


The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse is “A Bridge Being Built Across a Gorge”. It holds another clue as to how we can deal with this challenging Lunar Eclipse. When difficult things happen in our lives and upsetting events happen in the world, it is tempting to see these issues as divides that can never be healed. The only way that we can overcome the immense challenges facing humanity now is to build bridges of commonality rather than letting anger tear us apart.