Monday, 27 January 2025

New Moon in Aquarius - Optimism or Overextending?

 On Wednesday January 29, we have a New Moon at 9 degrees of Aquarius. New Moons are a great time to set goals, as the Sun and Moon are in the same sign, so we have Solar and Lunar energies working together. Aquarius is a sign that is known for being rebellious and wanting to do things in their own way. It is also a strongly intellectual sign, that likes to think outside the box and is very inventive. This is a great time to set goals for innovating or learning something new especially when it comes to technology. Aquarius is not the warmest sign, as it is an air sign that deals more with ideas than matters of the heart. However, it is concerned with community, friendship and humanity as a whole. This is also a good time to set goals around building community, activism and social justice. How can you use your brilliant and inspired ideas to help humanity as a whole?

Moonology Oracle

 This New Moon is supported by a trine with Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter brings expansion, luck and optimism to whatever sign it is in. In Gemini it is all about ideas, learning and communication. Whatever goals we set at this New Moon when it comes to learning or creating, Jupiter brings us the optimism and information we need to make it happen. It also shows that communication will help us to reach our goals, especially if we work with others toward a common cause. This is also a helpful aspect if we are looking to create or support community or activism now.

The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is "A Popular Man Finds His Popularity is Ephemeral". This is a caution to those who may find themselves riding high on approval or experiencing popularity, that this is not something that will last. No one can match every ideal projected on to us. Jupiter brings optimism to the New Moon but can also lead to us overextending ourselves or over promising. We cannot always live up to our own or other's ideals. Remember that any goals set now, should be grounded in practicality and humility. Those operating from their ego may get a reality check this New Moon.

If you would like more astrology, you can sign up for my free newsletter on my website. I also have detailed weekly astrology reports on my Patreon and you can book a personal reading on my Etsy shop


Saturday, 4 January 2025

2025 The Year of the Hermit - 5 Ways to Harness His Wisdom This Year

 Happy New Year! I thought I'd take the opportunity for the first post of the year to talk about the numerology of the year 2025 and the tarot card it is connected to. In order to find the numerology of the year we add up the digits of the year until we can reduce it to one number. In this case it is fairly simple as 2+0+2+5 =9. If the year was to add up to a double digit number, for example in 2019 (2+0+1+9=12) you would add up the digits again, so 2019 would be 1+2 =3. If you would like to find the tarot card for the year then as long as the number is 22 or less then you would not reduce it. Again using the year 2019 as an example, as it adds up to the number 12, that year corresponded to the Hanged Man. This year 2025, corresponds to the Hermit card. 

The Hermit from The Mythic Tarot

As 2025 is a 9 year in numerology, it speaks to the completion of a cycle that started in 2017. Think of any projects or life changes that started then and know that this year they are culminating or coming to a close. A 9 year is also connected to community and the need for connection and working together to achieve goals. This year we will all accomplish more if we work together towards the greater good. Finally the number 9 is connected to spirituality and speaks to the importance of looking through a spiritual lens at the events of this year. 

In the tarot, number 9 is the Hermit card. Below are five lessons that the Hermit card teaches us about navigating the year ahead.

1. Solitude - The Hermit card says that time alone in quiet reflection is important for each of us. Quiet time alone away from the noise and chaos of the world and from others opinions is important now. With the constant stream of information from TV, the internet etc it is easy to feel overwhelmed. It is important to take a step back and find time to connect with our inner selves this year.

2. Nature - The Hermit is often depicted standing at the top of a mountain. It is also connected with the sign of Virgo, an earth sign. One of the best ways that we can connect with our inner wisdom, is to take time in nature. This is a good year to make sure you are spending time outside, even if it is just a walk in the park or your neighborhood, or sitting outside on your balcony. Connecting with nature and the outdoors can give us much needed perspective and refresh us.

3. Service - As this card is connected with the sign of Virgo, we are reminded of the importance of being in service to others and the greater good. Don't underestimate the value of the everyday acts of kindness and service to others. By grounding ourselves in our day to day routines and helping others even in small ways, it all adds up to make the world a better place. It can also keep us grounded during times of potential chaos and change.

4. Inner Wisdom - By taking time out to rest and relax and reflect, we inevitably connect with the wisdom within us. This is a great year to take up such self care activities as journaling, meditation or divination. Whatever connects you to your inner guidance is important this year so that you are not distracted and can make decisions from your own set of values and priorities.

5. Confidence - The Hermit is usually depicted holding a lamp. He holds his own light and does not need others to shine a light for him. This year we must have the confidence to go our own way and do what is right for each of us rather than letting others tell us what our values and priorities should be. By listening to our own inner guidance, we gain the confidence to do our own thing without needing the approval of others. 

The year of the Hermit is one where we gain strength and confidence by practicing self care and connecting with the wisdom within. It is also a year where we are asked to step back and make sure to pause and reflect rather than rushing things. We are asked to also think not only about our own values, but also the greater good and how we can be of service to all.

To learn more about tarot and astrology you can sign up for my free newsletter on my website. I also have detailed weekly astrology and tartoscope reports on my Patreon and you can book a personal reading on my Etsy shop .