Saturday 5 September 2020

Top 5 Dos and Dont's During a Mars retrograde

 As I am writing this, we are approaching a Mars retrograde, starting on September 9, and ending on November 13, 2020. While you've probably heard a fair amount about Mercury retrograde, you may not know about the other planets retrograde periods. A retrograde period refers to when a planets appears to go backwards in the sky. Of course we know they don't really go backwards, it's only because the Earth is orbiting the Sun at a different speed, that they appear to be. The reason you've probably heard of Mercury retrograde, is because it happens three times a year, so it gets more attention. Mars' retrograde period only happens about once every two years, so it is less frequent. Like the other personal planets Venus and Mercury, retrograde periods can cause some disruption if you don't know how to work with that particular energy. Below you will find five things to avoid, and five things to do during any Mars retrograde period.

Top 5 Don'ts

1. Don't Start a War. This is the classic advice for a Mars retrograde. Traditionally it was said that whoever started a war during this period would lose. While you are probably not leading an army, it is good advice not to start a fight at this time, as you will probably lose it. Avoid starting arguments, getting swept up in other people's fights or starting a lawsuit. The outcome probably won't be the one you are looking for.

2. Don't Get Elective Surgery. Mars rules sharp objects like needles and knives, so avoid unnecessary procedures during this time. Of course if you need surgery please get it done! Your health and common sense comes first, and we need to do what we need to do, and can't avoid every retrograde period. You still have to live your life. What I'm advising against is unnecessary or cosmetic procedures or tattoos. These can wait until after the retrograde period. Otherwise the results may not be what you wanted.

3. Don't Start a New Exercise Regime. Mars rules exercise, so don't start that kickboxing class, or join that gym until afterwards. There is the tendency during this time towards pushing yourself too hard and getting injured or burnt out. Sports competitions during this time period, also tend to favour underdogs, which can be good or bad, depending on your outlook.

4. Don't Buy a Car. I'd also advise this for a Mercury (transportation) or Jupiter (large purchases)retrograde. Automobiles also have an association with Mars as they are the modern day chariot, and rely on combustible engines (Mars rules fire). A new vehicle bought at this time is more likely to create problems for the owner, rather than benefits.

5. Don't Start a New Project. I'm talking about a major project here, like a business venture or big creative venture. The Mars retrograde will cause things to move slower than normal, and there will be more obstacles. There is a tendency for new ventures that require a lot of time and energy to fizzle out and end up failing. Wait until afterwards, and use the time to plan things out in more detail.

Top 5 Do's

1. Do Get Some Rest. When Mars is in retro, energies are not at their highest. Use the time to get more sleep, relax and recuperate. We don't have to go, go, go all the time despite the messages out there telling us otherwise. So get cozy, watch some TV, and read those books that have been stacking up.

2. Do Engage in Low Impact Exercise. While it isn't a great time to start a new exercise or sport, it is a good time to maintain one. Mars retrogrades can cause frustration as things aren't moving forward at the pace we'd usually like.  Exercises like yoga, swimming, dancing, and walking can all help us manage our energy and get the daily exercise we need without overexerting ourselves.

3. Do Some Car Maintenance. While its not a good time to get a new car, it is a good time for  maintaining the one you have. Rotate the tires, or put the snow tires on, change the oil, or get the little repairs you've been putting off done. Your car will thank you for it by being of service for you for a longer time. 

4. Do Examine the Way You Fight. This can be a great time to do some reflection on how you handle conflict. If you find yourself involved in an argument or conflict of any kind, step back and look at your default ways of handling it. Do you run away and avoid things? This might be time to develop positive ways to stand up for yourself. Or do you try to push your own way onto others? Do you attempt to guilt or manipulate? Look at ways of being more gentle and direct. Mars is asking us to look at healthy ways to resolve conflicts.

5. Do Practice Patience and Kindness. During Mars retrogrades, energies are low, things don't move at the speed we'd like, and efforts seem to fall flat or not come together at all. This can frustrating. If we go into this period knowing this, and expecting not to accomplish as much, we can be more patient with ourselves and others. Remember too that this time period doesn't always bring out the best in people. So be kinder to yourself and others. You'll be glad you did when its all over.

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And finally, below is my video with the astrology headlines for September 2020, where you can learn more about Mars retrograde.



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