On Wednesday August 30 we will have a Blue Moon in the sign on Pisces. A Blue Moon is an unusual occurrence, as it is the second Full Moon in a month. Thus the phrase “once in a blue moon”. This can only happen when we have The first Full Moon in the first day or two of the month, as we did this August. All Full Moons are a time of heightened emotions as we reach the culmination of the waxing lunar phase. However Blue Moons add an extra spark of magic, letting us know that anything is possible. With this Blue Moon in the romantic sign of Pisces, it’s a great time to dream big, and to release those big dreams to the Universe, assured they will come back to us in the right time and form for our highest good.
This Full Moon is at 7 degrees of Pisces, opposite the Sun in practical Virgo. The Sun has us focusing on the practical and on getting organized and back into routine. However our emotional and subconscious side ruled by the Moon, wants us to reach for the stars. We want to take a break from the hard work of Virgo and find time to daydream of what might be possible. This Full Moon we are being asked to keep our feet planted firmly on the ground (Virgo) but to take the time to look up at the heavens (Pisces). It’s okay to take a break, in fact you probably need to, but don’t be taken away so far by fantasy and escapism that you don’t get anything done.
Also lending a more serious tone to this lunation is Saturn who is conjunct the Full Moon. This aspect can lead to a feeling of melancholy and even despair, as Saturn rules limitations and responsibility, while the Moon wants to escape into daydream in spiritual Pisces. Being reminded of our responsibilities can lead to feeling sorry for ourselves. There is a temptation to shut ourselves away and write sad poetry now. It’s not the worst idea, as a positive way to use this aspect is in putting our creative fantasies (Moon) into practical form (Saturn).
The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is “A Girl Blowing a Bugle”. This Full Moon can herald a time of change. Our fantasies may stir us to take action now. If we want to change our lives and make our dreams real, we are going to have to make actual changes. Will we answer the call? This symbol also speaks to rebellious individuals pointing the way to growth and change in the collective. This can come in the form of protest, or through controversial art, music or film that challenges the old ways and thinking.
Overall this Full Moon is one where we can get some inspiration, and use that energy to spark practical changes. If we want our dreams to become more than a fantasy, we are going to have to do something to make it happen. We are asked to name our big dream and then get to work on it. We might then just be surprised at how the Universe delivers it. After all it is a Blue Moon.
If you would like to work magically with the energies of the Moon, check out the Coven level on my Patreon . Each month I post New and Full Moon spells, a Waxing Moon collective reading and a Waning Moon mediation. You can also sign up for my free Astro Newsletter on my website .