On Friday September 29, we will have a Full Moon at 6 degrees of Aries. This Full Moon is unusual in that it does not have any aspects other than the opposition to the Sun. Full Moons are a time of balance or choice as the Sun is in the opposite sign to the Moon. This Full Moon, the Sun is in partner focused Libra. During Libra season we are asked to create harmony and balance, and to look at what is fair and just in our relationships. We are also asked to compromise and to create beauty in the world around us. With the Moon in fiery Aries, our emotions turn our attention towards the self. Where have we compromised too much? Have we focused so much on the “other” that we have forgotten our own needs? This Full Moon we are asked to think about how we can retain our individuality within partnerships. We may also be asked to take the lead and stand up for justice or for our creative voice.
This Full Moon is also unusual in that the North Node has moved into the sign of Aries, however this lunation is not an eclipse. Usually eclipses occur when the a New or Full Moon falls into the same sign as the Nodes. However the Full Moon is at 6 degrees and the North Node is at 24 degrees of Aries, so they are far enough away that an eclipse does not occur. However the next two lunations will be eclipses. In October we will have a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Libra and a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus. This is a transition period between the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse axis which we are leaving, and the Aries/Libra eclipse axis which we are entering for the next year. So while this Full Moon is not an eclipse, it can be seen as a precursor to the upcoming eclipses in October and in 2024. Eclipses are times of endings, beginnings and revelations, so watch what themes pop up for you around this Full Moon. They are clues as to what the coming eclipses hold for you.
Also on this day there is a square between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus. Squares between Venus and Uranus point to unusual events that disrupt our sense of what is harmonious or beautiful. You may meet unusual people, particularly women, or be confronted by forms of art or music that challenge us. Venus is in loud, creative and glamourous Leo, making her way forward after her retrograde journey this past summer. She is helping us to tie up any loose ends and integrate the lessons from this summer, particularly in the Leo house of your chart. In the sign of Leo this tends to manifest as breakups, drama and scandal. Uranus is the planet of chaos, sudden change and inspiration. In Taurus, when activated, this placement can show up as earthquakes, strikes, protests, and the rebellion of those who idealize nature or the past. Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus can be disruptions in the outer world that cause drama and scandal.
The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is A Man Successfully Expressing Himself in Two Realms at Once. This symbol is about the ability to see both sides of a situation and to hold two ideas as both true at the same time. I think the Sabian symbol holds the key to the challenges this week’s Full Moon presents us with. Can we see that both partnership and individuality can be in harmony? That both integrity and compromise can be achieved? Can we make beauty out of the chaos and drama that may disrupt our sense of order? Finding the balance is what will help us navigate this Full Moon.
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