May 1 marks Beltane/May Day in the northern hemisphere and Samhain/Halloween in the southern hemisphere. Both of these are what are called cross-quarter celebrations, marking the halfway point between an equinox and a solstice. Being in the northern part of the world I will be referring to this day as Beltane, but please keep in mind that if you are in the southern hemisphere that the astrology of the day still applies, even if the seasons are different.
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Beltane is the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It is the height of spring and depending on your latitude, will determine how green it is and how many flowers are in bloom. Even here where I live on the northern prairies, the trees are budding, the birds are returning, and green shoots are emerging from the ground. It is a time to celebrate spring, nature and beauty, all things considered to be in the realm of Taurus, the sign the Sun is now in. Wherever you live, Taurus season is a good time to slow down and appreciate the realm of the physical, with good food, sexy times and a walk in nature. Joining the Sun in Taurus is Venus, the planetary ruler of this sign, adding extra emphasis this May Day to themes of beauty, sensuality and pleasure. It’s a great time to get a beauty treatment, go to the spa, or make art inspired by nature.
The astrology of the day had some challenges but is overall quite positive. One challenging aspect is that the Moon is at the waning quarter, in Aquarius, squaring the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Taurus. This can lead to a lack of energy and a sense of cool detachment. This can be helpful if we use our logical side in service to our earthy and sensual side, rather than trying to separate the two. Another challenge is that Venus is also squaring Pluto in Aquarius, which can bring up issues around power dynamics in partnerships or creative projects. It can also be representative of the tensions between embracing change, especially technological advancements, and the desire to slow down and be more in nature. Again these two things do not have to be at odds with each other. It is about finding a way to blend or balance out the two.
Mars the planet of action, energy and war is separating from his conjunction with Neptune that occurred on April 28, in the sign of Pisces. On the challenging side, this can be confused actions, or acting on misinformation or deception. Avoid knee jerk reactions or getting involved in a fight now as you don’t have all the information to make a decision or form and opinion clearly. On the good side, this aspect can help fuel creative projects or bring energy to your spiritual life.
Further helping things on this day is that Mercury is now out of retrograde, so communication and travel are smoother. Being in the sign of Aries, we have the ability to ask more directly for what it is that we want. We are also still experiencing the optimism of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus. This aspect brings positive energy, a sense of momentum and even inspiring breakthroughs. This is a time that presents us with opportunities that can create a big leap forward or propel us towards our dreams. Say yes to what life has to offer you now!
Overall this Beltane is a good time to revel in the pleasures of the physical, and to celebrate the abundance and hopefulness of spring. It is great for artistic projects, beauty and inspiration. Whether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere, take advantage of the positive aspects of this day to celebrate life, nature, beauty and abundance.
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