Saturday, 23 November 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius - Time to Re-evaluate

 On November 25 Mercury starts his retrograde journey, going backwards from 22 degrees of Sagittarius, until December 15, when he will stop at 6 degrees of Sagittarius before moving forward again. Mercury retrograde is notorious for miscommunication and travel delays and breakdowns, however this is a very simplified interpretation of this transit. Mercury retrogrades occur about three times a year, for roughly three weeks each so is not an unusual astrological event. Mercury rules travel and communication, and when he goes into retrograde it can cause misinformation, misunderstandings, along with travel disruptions. However, Mercury retrograde can bring benefits to. It is a chance to slow down and reassess things. Mercury asks us to stop and review things before moving forward again. Is there something we need to edit? Do our plans need adjusting? Sometimes mercury retrograde can bring people and events from the past to us for reevaluation and to help us process or resolve things.


Astro Codes oracle & Oracle of the Radiant Sun

This retrograde period is entirely in the sign of Sagittarius. This is a fiery sign, that likes to have fun and go on adventures, however this is not a great time to do something risky or take chances, as they are more likely to go sideways now. Mercury in Sagittarius is also infamous for putting ones foot in ones mouth, by being too blunt or by blurting things out without thinking it through. This tendency will become more pronounced now, and can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Watch what you say to others and if someone says something to you that seems rude or hurtful, ask for clarification, as they may not have meant it. 


Sagittarius is associated with big picture thinking. It rules politics, philosophy, religion and higher learning, along with the law and foreign travel. During this Mercury Retrograde I anticipate that there may be travel disruptions and issues with supply chains and shipping. If you are traveling overseas at this time, double check your plans and paperwork, and be prepared for delays. There also may be increasing misinformation around political or religious issues now. This is a time when we will be collectively re-examining recent political shifts, so watch for changes and adjustments to recent decisions. We may also be examining these areas in our own lives to see what needs to be adjusted, particularly any plans we have for the new year. Has our priorities shifted and changed since last year? This is a good time for reassessment.


All in all Mercury Retrograde brings both challenges and benefits. If you have a lot of Sagittarius placements or planets between 6 and 22 degrees of other fire or mutable signs, you may feel this one more than others. While the delays and misunderstandings may cause some frustration, this can be a fruitful time if we use the energy to reassess and review thing before moving forward again. 


For more astrology, you can sign up for my free newsletter, Astro News, on my website. I also have weekly detailed astrology reports on my Patreon and you can book an astrology reading with me on my Etsy shop

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Full Moon in Taurus - Coming together in Times of Darkness

On Friday November 15 we have a Full Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus. Full Moons are a time of heightened energy as the Moon, which represents the subconscious and our emotions is at her apex. With any Full Moon, the Sun is in the opposite sign, so this can mean that one is faced with a choice or to try to balance between the two opposing energies. The Sun in Scorpio asks us to look within, to focus on our inner worlds, including the psychological, the sexual and the spiritual. We are asked to go deeper and to examine the darker or hidden areas of our lives. The Moon in Taurus brings in earthy energy that reminds us to look at the beauty of the outside world and the physical realm. It reminds us to eat good food, to go out in nature, and to balance out the internal reflection, with being in the material realm and enjoying physical pleasures. 


Astro Codes Oracle and Moonology Oracle

 This Full Moon in closely conjunct Uranus, the planet of chaos, change, and inspiration. This Full Moon will bring some surprising events in the Taurus realms of money, nature, food and labour. These events could be disruptive and destructive, or they could inspire us. With Uranus, you never know what you are going to get, so expect the unexpected. To see how it will affect you, look to the Taurus house in your birth chart. Both this Full Moon and Uranus are conjunct the fixed star Algol, also known as the Head of Medusa or the Demon Star. This is a star that is associated with decapitation, falls from grace of the powerful and violence. This won’t affect most people on an individual level, but I am expecting to see some dramatic events on the world stage. 


Also on November 14, Saturn, the planet of rules, boundaries and order, goes direct after several months in retrograde. While we often don’t notice Saturn retrogrades on a personal level, we may notice it more on the days he turns retrograde or direct. Saturn is in Pisces currently, which can make people more melancholy, sensitive and somber. When he goes direct, we often find there are more restrictions, more rules and things slow down. Saturn in Pisces stationing direct or retrograde has also often coincided with disasters at sea.


There are positive aspects to this Full Moon with a supportive sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Whatever disruptive events may happen, Neptune asks us to dream a bigger dream and to look towards the future with optimism. He also asks us to remember our connections to others, that we are all one. As long as we don’t escape into fantasy or delusion, we can use these dreams to create positive change. Another supportive aspect is Pluto at the end of Capricorn. Pluto encourages us to let go of the past, to embrace the changes that are coming so that we can walk in to the new Pluto in Aquarius era (Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 20 years starting on November 19, 2024) free of being encumbered. 


The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon is “A Public Park”. While this symbol may not seem to match the dramatic aspects of this Full Moon, it does give us a clue as to how we can approach any disruption we may face. A public park is a place of respite and relaxation that we all share. By coming together in a spirit of relaxation and harmony, and focusing on our shared values and humanity we can overcome obstacles. The park is also a place of recreation and fun, and a place to find contact with nature. By going out into nature, and having fun we find a way to de stress and get away from the noise and confusion. It reminds us to balance out the darkness and seriousness of the times we are in with the joy of being present and alive and connected to each other. 


For more astrology, check out my free monthly newsletter, Astro News, on my website. For detailed weekly astrology reports, check out my Patreon and for personal astrology readings my Etsy shop

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Venus in Capricorn - Time to Commit

 On November 11, 2024 Venus, the planet of love and beauty moves from fiery Sagittarius into earthy Capricorn. When Venus was in Sagittarius, she was all about flirting and having fun adventures. Now in Capricorn she wants to get down to business. Venus in Capricorn doesn’t want to flirt, she wants a commitment. She wants to know where things are going as she is ambitious and practical. The next few weeks are a good time to examine your present relationships, both romantic and otherwise, and think about how they may or may not be working for you and what you can bring to the table to improve things. Venus also rules our aesthetics and artistic tastes and expressions. In Capricorn, taste tend to lean towards the traditional in both fashion and in art and music. As we enter the holiday season, we may find ourselves feeling nostalgic. Below are the aspects Venus will be making on her trip through Capricorn.

Astro Code Oracle & Oracle of the Radiant Sun

 On November 22, Venus in Capricorn will be sextile Saturn in Pisces. This is a good time for organizing social events or a creative venture. Saturn brings structure to artistic Venus, so can help bring her ideas into form. This is also a good time to have a heart to heart with a loved one as we can talk about serious topics while still honoring our emotions. 


On November 27 Venus makes a square with Chiron, who is currently in Aries. Chiron is about healing old wounds and in Aries it revolves around wounds to our sense of identity. Watch for conflicts between the pressure to be more traditional or conservative and a desire to express ones individuality to arise now. 


Venus trines Uranus in Taurus on December 02, brining excitement and inspiration. You may be inspired by some unusual fashion, music or art, or meet someone excentric who ignites passion within you. This can also bring inspiring and unusual events your way, particularly in romance or creativity. Go with the flow, and allow yourself to deviate from your normal routine. 


On December 04 Venus makes a harmonious sextile with Neptune in Pisces. This is not a good day for accomplishing detailed tasks, but it is a good one for daydreaming, exploring our imagination and creative work. It’s also a day where we may put the rose coloured glasses on, particularly in romantic relationships. It’s a lovely day for romance, just don’t ignore or gloss over poor behaviour. 


Venus closes her journey through Capricorn when she moves into Aquarius on December 06, 2024. This three and a half week period is a good time to get serious about your creative work, and your relationships, before she moves into rebellious and avant garde Aquarius. 


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