On Saturday February 24 we have a Full Moon at 5 degrees of Virgo. Full Moons are a time of culmination as the Moon reaches the peak in her 28 day cycle. As the Moon rules the subconscious and emotions, this is why we often feel more emotional and people are more likely to act out from their subconscious programming at this time. Full Moon also occur when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs. While the Sun has us focusing on a particular area and way of being, the Moon comes along and reminds us that we need to balance things out. This Full Moon the Moon is in practical, analytical and healing Virgo, while the Sun is in dreamy, romantic and spiritual Pisces. During Pisces season we are asked to focus on our dreams and the spiritual side of life. Pisces is about oneness and how we are all connected. It’s also about fantasy and imagination, so it can be easy to lose sight of the practical and the specific. The Moon in Virgo reminds us that without practical steps and grounded detailed plans, our dreams will remain vague and unrealized. As Virgo is also a healing sign, this Full Moon challenges us to find ways to incorporate the spiritual into our everyday routine.
Moonology Manifestation Oracle
The Moon in Virgo is not only opposite the Sun in Pisces, but is also opposite Mercury and Neptune. Mercury in Pisces encourages us to communicate with creativity, through methods like song, poetry and art. However Mercury in Pisces it is not great for details and clarity, yet the Moon in Virgo is longing for this. We are challenged to communicated with specificity now. With the Moon in Virgo it can be a good time for creative writing and getting clear on our creative or spiritual goals.
This Full Moon has helpful aspects in that it is trine Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, another earth sign. Jupiter in Taurus sends us good fortune in the realms of food, money, nature and earthly goods. We may have opportunities of practical help or gifts in order to achieve our goals. The trine to Uranus also sends us opportunities to act in new ways and sends us inspiration. If we are willing to go with the flow and be open to new possibilities, we can make good progress.
The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “A Merry Go Round”. This symbol speaks to the cyclical nature of life and how there will always be ups and downs, but if we can stay centered and go with the flow, we may even enjoy ourselves. We are asked to not take things so seriously, but to find ways to relax and even amuse ourselves. Virgo Moon might want us to be practical, but its also okay to find time for the fantasy and amusement of Pisces energy. The key is in finding the balance between the two.
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