Sunday 2 June 2024

New Moon in Gemini - Communication Increases

 On June 06 we have New Moon in the sign of Gemini. This week sees a lot of Gemini energy with the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all in this lively and talkative sign. Now the Moon joins in on the party and highlights the themes of communication, learning, exchanging ideas and laughter. Gemini rules all of these plus short trips, cars, anything that comes in pairs, along with siblings and neighbours. Expect to see these themes highlighted in your life and in the world around you now. New Moons occur when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign, so are energetically working together. The Moon is also at the beginning of the waxing, or growing cycle, so any intentions made now are like a seed being planted, that can grow along with the Moon phases. 

Moonology Oracle

This particular Full Moon will conjunct with the other planets in Gemini, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. The conjunction with Mercury makes this a great time for communicating your ideas with others and for any goals around writing learning, or taking a trip. It also helps us to clarify our intentions and to put them down in writing. The energy of Venus will bring a sense of love and beauty to the day, so any goals that have to do with expressing our feeling to a loved one, asking someone out or starting a creative project, particularly creative writing or poetry also bode well now. Jupiter lends positive energy and a sense of optimism, like anything is possible. This also helps with any goals around learning something new, or sharing your ideas with others. 


Further supporting this New Moon is the trine with Pluto in Aquarius, bringing opportunities to make some profound changes that can revolutionize things in the long run for us. We may have to examine how we want to shift the dynamics in our lives to make our goals happen. It won’t always be easy and we may have to let some things go in order to make room for the new. On the challenging side, Saturn is squaring the New Moon, sowing us that there may be tension around limitations. We may feel frustrated or sad that we can’t be as free as we like. We may have a hard time letting old outworn ways or things go, and frustration around responsibilities. Remember that if we want something new, we have to make room for it in our lives, and that often means letting something go. At the same time, we don’t have to throw everything out or change everything all at once. Small changes over time will be much more effective in the long run.


The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “The Head of a Robust Youth is Changed into that of a Mature Thinker.”  This symbol emphasizes the need to think rationally, rather than reacting emotionally to things now. Well considered intentions, that take into account our wisdom and experience, are much more likely to take root and yield results rather than ones based on impulsiveness or wishful thinking. We also don’t have to be pessimistic or wet blanket our hopes either. It is more about taking a step back and looking at our hopes and dreams and thinking about what the practical doable steps are. That way we can make realistic progress towards our goals.


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