Saturday 31 August 2024

Pluto in Capricorn - Tieing Up Loose Ends

 On September 01, 2024, Pluto will dip back into the sign of Capricorn for one last time, before moving back into Aquarius on November 19, 2024. Pluto moves very slowly around the zodiac, taking 248 years to complete a cycle. As such, it only moves forward a couple of degrees a year, and spends about half of the year in retrograde. Since May of 2023, Pluto has been going back and forth between the last degrees of Capricorn and the first few degrees of Aquarius. Pluto entered Aquarius May – July of 2023 and gave us a sneak peek, a trailer if you will, of what is to come for the next twenty years of Pluto in Aquarius (2023 – 2044). Pluto then went back into Capricorn, and re-entered Aquarius in January of this year. This autumn he dips one last time back into Capricorn to clean things up and tie up any loose ends before moving out of the sign for another 248 years.


Astro Codes Oracle

 Pluto is the planet that marks generations as he can spend anywhere from 12 to 20 years in a sign, due to his elliptical orbit. He represents the death of the old ways, the slow march of change over time. He clears out things that are decaying in order for new life and new ways to sprout. While Uranus represents sudden or shocking changes, Pluto is a slower transition, but one that has long lasting and profound impact. He is the lord of death and helps us to let go and grieve. With his last foray into Capricorn, it is like he has gone back briefly to clean things up in this area of our life. If you know your birth chart, look what area Capricorn rules to see where you may be saying goodbye to something or finishing things up. Particularly look to any projects or themes that started back in 2008, when he first entered this sign. Even if you don’t know your chart, Capricorn represents ambitions, career, and worldly success. It is also a sign that is focused on earthly accomplishments and authority. Look back over the last 16 years. Has your view of what counts as success changed? Is there something you started back then that you are ready to let go of? How have your ambitions changed?


Pluto also represents power. The sign Pluto is in tends to show where we invest in or express power in the world. Capricorn represents government, big corporations, institutions and traditional authority. Since 2008 we have seen corporations become bigger and have more influence over the world. We’ve also seen many of them merge and become virtual monopolies in some sectors, along with some owners becoming trillionaires. Power and wealth moved increasingly towards the minority at the top, while poverty increases and everyday necessities like housing become more and more out of reach for many. We also saw a rise of populist and fascist governments and politicians, who want to enforce their authority through repressive means. The last few months of Pluto in Capricorn may see a last gasp of those who want to maintain this old order. However, the Pluto in Aquarius era has already begun and will only continue to gain strength after this autumn. Aquarius is a sign that is about community, humanitarianism and revolution. The next 20 years will see power shift from those at the top towards communities and be more spread out rather than centralized.


Pluto also reveals where power has been abused and misused. He digs up what was secret and shows us the things those in power don’t want us to see. When Pluto was in Sagittarius (1995 – 2008), the abuses of the Church and those in religious authority came to light, as Sagittarius rules religion. The Pluto in Capricorn years started off with the banking and housing collapse in 2008. This showed us where those in financial authority had abused their power. This was also the start of protests on Wall Street and against the growing divide of rich and poor. These years also exposed government corruption and how those in authority have misused power, for example politicians flouting Covid lock down rules or trying to overturn the results of democratic elections. With Pluto’s last visit to Capricorn, we may see some new scandals in these areas emerge, or see some of these old issues get resolved now.


Overall this last dip into Capricorn is a chance for us to clean up any loose ends and to reflect on the changes we have gone through since 2008. On a world level I expect to see some issues around corruption find some resolution or more information come to light. I also expect those in traditional authority to make a last push for control. On a personal level, look to the Capricorn house to see where you need to resolve some lingering issues. 


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