Sunday, 9 February 2025

Full Moon in Leo - Courage in the Face of the Storm

On Wednesday February 12 we have a Full Moon at 24 degrees of Leo. Full Moons occur when the Sun and the Moon are in opposite signs, in this case the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo. Aquarius season asks us to focus on our community, friendship and our collective humanity. It is also a sign that asks us to embrace our inner genius and to innovate and look towards the future. We are asked to think about how we can use our abilities to benefit the larger group. With the Full Moon in Leo, we are asked to not forget our needs or to be swallowed up by the collective. We are challenged not to lose our individuality to fit in with a group, but to allow our unique creative light to shine. While some see it as "me vs we", its more about using our gifts and abilities to step forward and lead by example. To use our gifts in service of others, without losing our sense of self.

Moonology Oracle


 Full Moons are known for their heightened emotions, and in Leo, it's all about the drama. This is a great time to go all out in our creatively and with our self-expression. However, for some this may be a time where we find ourselves or others becoming over dramatic or over sensitive. This is further exacerbated by Uranus, the planet of chaos, sudden change and inspiration forming a square to both the Sun and Moon. Unusual events, sudden upsets and the unexpected will add to the tension on this day. Avoid rigid plans and holding tightly to expectations. With the Sun, Moon and Uranus all in fixed signs, there is a tendency to resist change. However, if you roll with the changes, you may find yourself unexpectedly inspired and able to see creative solutions to your problem. Look to the houses ruled by Leo, Aquarius and Taurus for clues as to where the tension may develop for you personally. On a collective level, there is tension between the masses and those in authority, ruled by Aquarius and Leo respectively. This may be triggered by a Taurean sudden event like an environmental disaster, issues around food, money, or labour disputes.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is "A Large Camel Crossing the Desert". This image speaks of the need for self-reliance, and for resilience in difficult times. A camel can go for days without food or water because of the fat it stores in its hump. We too must be able to sustain ourselves during hard times. Sudden events may force us to adapt and make do with less for a time. It also encourages to draw on the courage of Leo and to keep going knowing that the desert doesn't last forever. We are asked again to use our unique creative gifts to help the community as a whole, so that we can help each other to weather the storm together.

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