Sunday, 23 February 2025

New Moon in Pisces - Rising Above the Clouds of Chaos

On Thursday February 27 we have a New Moon at 9 degrees of Pisces. New Moons are a time of new beginnings as we are at the start of a new lunar cycle. It is also a time when the Sun and Moon are in the same sign, symbolizing our conscious and rational side working together with our subconscious and emotional side. As such we can harness both energies to plant seeds for the coming lunar cycle to later grow and manifest. Pisces is the last sign in the wheel of the zodiac, a water sign that is mutable. Its energy is spiritual, mystical, creative and intuitive, but can also be about fantasy, addiction and escapism. The New Moon in Pisces can be a great time to set goals for any creative projects, especially musical ones. It is also a good time to set goals for anything spiritual or for intuitive development.

Moonology Oracle

This New Moon is trine Mars in Cancer, who has spent the last three months in retrograde. He has slowed down and stopped, and will start moving forward again, or "direct" the following day, February 28th. This New Moon is an opportunity to reflect on the past three months and where we may have felt frustrated or unable to act. After a Mars retrograde period we often have a better idea of where we need to focus our energies and are inspired to take action. This New Moon brings us clarity as to where we need to now focus our energies. As Mars is in the sign of Cancer, it tends to lend a protective energy. What are we trying to preserve and nurture for the future?

The New Moon is also squaring Jupiter in Gemini, which can lead to an overabundance of ideas or a feeling of information overload. Whatever actions we decide to take now, try not to overextend yourself, or take on more than you can realistically handle. It is also important to sift through any information you receive now to see beyond the smoke and mirrors to what is actually useful and relevant to you.

Another aspect on this day is Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus. This brings us unusual news but can also inspire us and help us to think about things in new and creative ways. Watch for inspiration and listen to your intuition to be able to discern what is of relevance to you amongst all the noise and possible information overload of this day.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is "An Aviator in the Clouds". This symbol speaks to looking to higher ideals and values and beyond the surface level. This New Moon we are asked to set larger spiritual goals for ourselves, but also to look beyond the clouds of chaos and confusion that is obscuring our vision. We must be able to navigate through the storm by rising above so we can get a clear view of things. This is why listening to our intuition is so important right now. Make sure to take a step back from all the news, social media and activity for some quiet reflection. By checking back in with yourself and connecting with your higher power, you will be better able to make clear goals even with the noise and chaos around us.

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