Saturday, 1 March 2025

Top 5 tips for Venus Retrograde in Aries

 On March 01 Venus, the planet of love and beauty, begins her retrograde journey, starting at 9 degrees of Aries. This retrograde period will last until April 12th, when she will station direct at 24 degrees of Pisces. Venus retrogrades occur every year and a half or so and repeat in the same sign every 8 years. The last Venus retrograde in Aries was back in the spring of 2017, and the time before that in early 2011, etc. Think back to that time to get an idea of what themes may come up again for you this March and April. Below are the top 5 themes and advice for navigating the Venus in Aries retrograde.

Astro Codes Oracle

  1. Relationships Return. Whether it's an old flame or an old friend, you are more likely to have someone from your past return to you now. It doesn't necessarily mean you will get back together with your ex, but you might be tempted to. In most cases those that do get back together with an old partner during this time tend to break up after, as they are reminded of why they are no longer together in the first place. For most people Venus retrograde means you might reconnect with an old friend or lover. something from the past comes back in a new form, but usually pleasantly so. Watch for what returns to you during this retrograde period.

  2. Relationship Reviews. Venus is the planet of love and relationships, and during her retrograde cycle, it's a good time to review them. This includes romantic, friendships and family relationships. We are asked to look at what is and isn't working, power imbalances and issues like independence vs closeness in our relationships. With Venus in the sign of the warrior, we are asked to be more assertive about our needs. This doesn't mean you will break up or lose friends, but often relationships that are on shaky ground will fall apart, while those that are strong will only emerge stronger for this time of reflection.

  3. Retro Styles. As Venus is also the planet that rules aesthetics and beauty, when she goes retrograde there tends to be an increase in nostalgia for past fashion, design, music and the arts. You may notice that retro styles from 8, 16, 24, 32, etc. years ago, may come back and music or movies from these past periods may experience a revamp or resurgence. It's a good time personally to experiment with your look, just don't do anything too drastic or permanent like cut all your hair off or get a tattoo, as you will probably regret it once Venus moves direct again.

  4. Creative Experimentation. A recurring theme when Venus goes retrograde in Aries is that controversial or experimental art comes out that pushes the boundaries of what society considers acceptable. Whether it's in music, movies, fashion or the visual arts, the Venus retrograde in Aries often marks a shift in public taste. This is because Aries is a sign that is often a pioneer and leader, is willing to take risks and to stand out from the crowd. This makes it a great time to do some creative experimenting of your own. Even if you do not consider yourself an artist, take a chance and redecorate that room, or try on the latest style in fashion to see if it suits you. You might be surprised.

  5. Protest. Venus retrograde periods have often coincided with times of mass protest and upheaval. In 2017 the US saw the largest ever demonstrations in the Women's March. In 2011 there was the Arab Spring uprisings that spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Venus retrograde in Aries has a particular connection with women's rights. This goes all the way back to 1913 when there were massive suffragette rallies in both the US and the UK. If you are concerned about civil rights, particularly women's rights, this is a good time to protest and take action. Venus is the planet that rules women and the feminine, and when she is in the sign of the warrior, Aries, she is not willing to settle for less than she deserves.


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